藝術論壇藝術文化 產業動態展覽演出 → 檢視評論

評論主題: 也趣藝廊 | Do You See Me? 日本當代藝術聯展 | 開幕茶會 | 2014.11.08(Sat) 3PM
評論對像: akigalleryakigallery | 2014/11/5 上午 11:06:08
展覽 | Do You See Me? 日本當代藝術聯展
展期 | 2014.11.08(六)–11.30(日)
展出藝術家 | 五十嵐英之Hideyuki Igarashi︱服部千佳Chika Hattori︱U-DIE︱岡本?Akira Okamoto︱寺村利規Toshiki Teramura︱西川昇真Shoma Nishikawa︱設樂惠里Eri Shitara
茶會 | 2014. 11.08(六) 3 pm
地點 | 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141號
聯絡方式 | www.galleryaki.com︱info@galleryaki.com | 02-2599-1171

五感中與生俱來的「觀看」讓行路中的你,得以擁有無限春光,但”Hey! Do You Really See Me?”觀看若無法持有意識上的警覺、若無法對生活周遭進行偵查,卻任憑眼皮下的一切如浮光掠影般的流淌,那這樣的觀看將成為最多餘的存在。於11月8日(週六)在也趣藝廊登場的「Do You See Me? 日本當代藝術聯展」集結了七位日本當代藝術家:五十嵐英之Hideyuki Igarashi、服部千佳Chika Hattori、U-DIE、岡本?Akira Okamoto、寺村利規Toshiki Teramura、西川昇真Shoma Nishikawa、設樂惠里Eri Shitara前來,革命性的讓觀看成為最有意識的一場行動。


Most of us are born to see, but hey do you really see “me”? If we don’t see things consciously and inspect what’s really going on around, everything flitting underneath our eyes becomes meaningless and surplus. On Nov. 8 (Sat.) at AKI Gallery 「Do You See Me? Japanese contemporary art exhibition 」gathers seven artists: Hideyuki Igarashi、Chika Hattori、U-DIE、Akira Okamoto、Toshiki Teramura、Shoma Nishikawa、Eri Shitara, revolutionarily making “seeing” an attentive action.

Do You See Me?
Hideyuki Igarashi filters scene and move under high speed and penetrate into the buried angst. Chika Hattori’s flower has pure color and outline. By viewing from a very close distance, the familiar perspective is replaced. U-DIE’s classical Marilyn Monroe portrait is surprisingly made up by various prints and pencil strokes. “Do You See Me?” brings out the strongest stimulation among hustle and bustle in our life. Besides all of the above, Toshiki Teramura’s 3D figure and display, Shoma Nishikawa’s deformed creature, Akira Okamoto’s chase of innate nature and Eri Shitara’s minimal creation refined from life, all four artists collectively arouse beholder’s visual sensation. From Nov. 8 (Sat.), AKI Gallery invites you to add some flavors into our cursory looking experience!





