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評論主題: 也趣藝廊 |《曼哈頓計劃》- 郭奕臣個展 2014.09.05-09.28
評論對像: akigalleryakigallery | 2014/8/23 上午 01:44:00

展覽 Exhibition |《曼哈頓計劃》- 郭奕臣個展
展期 Duration | 2014.09.05() – 2014.09.28()
茶會 Reception | 2014. 09. 05 () 5 pm ~ 6:30pm於也趣藝廊舉行 (*開幕活動感謝美樂啤酒熱情贊助)
地點 Venue | 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141
聯絡 Contact | www.galleryaki.com info@galleryaki.com | 02-2599-1171

紐約,是個夢想隨時可以成真的地方。成堆的摩天大樓是這城市最美的天際線,她擁有強大的發話權,也是世界上最關鍵的金融、媒體、時尚、觀光中心,金錢在這以每秒百萬的單位流竄著。1942年啟動原子彈研發的《曼哈頓計畫》,如願的終結戰爭,但戰爭的結束並沒有一道終結不幸,幸福沒有以同樣每秒百萬的速度滋長。911的恐怖攻擊、金融風暴、能源危機、全球暖化,在和平了半世紀後,恐懼仍侵襲每個人的生活。擅長用冷冽的科技語言來觸碰精神本質的新媒藝術家郭奕臣,在20122014期間,如同戰地記者般的深入紐約前線,以外來者的身分,透過《Home-Less is More》、《Soul Out 》、《The Face of Time》、《7000棵聖誕樹》四個系列作品,一層層撕開華麗的美國夢糖衣,揭露另類的「真實」。九月五日郭奕臣將首度於也趣揭露可見和不可見的紐約真相。

來到紐約的郭奕臣在《Home-Less is More》中提出了類似「平行宇宙」的體驗,同一個紐約,卻像是兩個世界,街上的流浪漢在絢麗城市中顯得矛盾、諷刺。強烈貧富不均讓「人人都有機會」的美國大夢甦醒。接著,郭奕臣透過《Soul Out 》潛入城市黑暗核心,在錯綜複雜的地下鐵直搗最隱匿的紐約。然而,就算是萬丈光芒處也有等待批露的真實,在《The Face of Time》中,裝扮成卡通人物的街頭表演者在時代廣場上不斷製造歡樂,但面具下卻是一張張離家非法打工的異國臉孔。要說郭奕臣像戰地記者般深入不可見的城市,也許說他是戰地詩人更不為過。他輕巧的在紐約街頭、地下、鬧區穿梭,用最溫軟的語言,針針見血的紀錄著資本主義下的真實,最後又在《7000棵聖誕樹》用聖誕樹的大量丟棄與消耗,提出眼見的真相也許不過是一場不切真實的夢。九月五日也趣藝廊誠摯邀請您透過郭奕臣的旅程去體驗糖衣下的真實。


New York, a city with a beautiful skyline of skyscrapers and where all dreams come true has the most powerful right to speak. She is the world center of finance, media, fashion and tourism…etc. Money flows at the pace of million in one second. 1942, USA initiated the first atomic bombs during World War II ended the war, however, the termination of conflict didn’t bring human world peace. Happiness didn’t grow as the speed of money is transferring. Terrorism, financial turmoil, energy crisis, and global warming, all these disputes keep attacking people’s lives. Artist I-Chen KUO who is specialized at expressing human intrinsic soul by technology. During 2012-2014, as an outsider he investigated the unknown part of New York City. Exploring the truth under the sugarcoated American dream by four series of works:
Home-Less is More,Soul Out ,The Face of Time,7000 Christmas Trees. This Sep. 5, I-Chen KUO will reveal the visible and inxvisible scenes of New York.

I-Chen KUO raised a point resembles paralleled universe which he observed that the most luxurious coexists with the panhandlers. Ironically extreme disparity between the rich and poor awaken the big dream. Next, I-Chen KUO’s
Soul Outsneaks into the core of darkness in New York subway. However, even the brightest place lies truth waiting to be discovered. InThe Face of Time, illegal immigrants put on costumes to amuse tourists, who ever saw their real faces in Times Square ?To describe I-Chen KUO as a war correspondent is not as suitable to describe him as a war poet. He wanders on the streets in downtown, interpreting cruel reality under capitalism with his soft presentation. Finally, in7000 Christmas Treeshe indicates the abandonment of consumption is nothing but a artificial dreams. On Sep. 5 , follow I-Chen KUO’s journey, we are able to experience a truth that we tend to ignore.





