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標題:也趣藝廊 | 台北藝博展位C14

akigalleryakigallery 發表於:2014/10/26 上午 02:58:28

『當濃濃國際味的台灣平面繪畫 遇見 舟越桂領軍的雕塑陣容』

展覽 Exhibition ART TAIPEI 2014
展期 Date 2014. 10. 31 (五) – 2014. 11. 03 (一)
地點 Venue 台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一館
展位 Booth C14
參展 Artists 小泉悟 |舟越桂 | 范揚宗│ 秋永邦洋 |李承道│吳逸寒│華建強│郭志宏│羅展鵬
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范揚宗年初在英國Art 14 London中被來自洛杉磯的Sweeney家族欽點收藏,同時今年十月將於美國私人美術館El Segundo Museum of Art中展出。范揚宗以精湛的硬邊繪畫技巧、曖昧的視角,已在台灣培養了一群忠實藏家,實力更大獲國際間的肯定,此次「泳池系列」將再創夏日烈焰的巔峰。而在歷經柏林、洛杉磯駐村洗禮的羅展鵬,今年於藝博會上首次曝光的300號全新系列「霧行者」,將以十年史詩的概念貫穿台灣的過去、現在和未來,再創其藝術生涯的新巔峰;德國味十足的吳逸寒、郭志宏將分別以小孩穿大衣「Little Adults」系列和抽象的「景」再度令人刮目相看;華建強跳脫傳統膠彩的最新力作「骨肉分離」和李承道的最新「天鵝湖」挪用西方經典馬諦斯的「跳舞」一作,兩人莞爾的創作風格早已是他們獨一無二的正字標記。


AKI Gallery which aims at international promotion and parallel output has already hit the target in recent years. Not only represented artists are welcomed everywhere, its brand value is affirmed internationally. This year at ART TAIPEI, AKI Gallery will present two threads of exhibited works which are Taiwanese paintings and Japanese sculptures lead by national treasure artist Katsura FUNAKOSHI. A broad and complete display which summarizes 10 years of perseverance is at AKI Gallery booth C14.

Yang-Tsung FAN whose work is collected by LA Sweeney family at Art 14 London and exhibit this Oct. at El Segundo Museum of Art. FAN’s excellent hard edge skill and unique perspectives has already nurtured a group of collectors in Taiwan. His Swimming Pool series after countless international approval will amaze the fair again. Another artist Chan-Peng LO is about to embrace his golden ten years. His new big scale work “Wanderer in the Mist” will make its debut and telling a story of Taiwan. Yih-Han WU and Chih-Hung who are both study in Germany will separately show “Little Adults” and abstract scenery. Chien-Chiang HUA overthrows traditional gouache or ink painting’s ancient elegant impression “Flesh Stripped from the Bone” and Chen-Dao LEE’s appropriated “Swan Lake” makes their lively personal mark.

Also, AKI artists superb painting encounters Japanese sculpture will be the highlight of the fair this time. Katsura FUNAKOSHI’s works are collected by New York MET, Das Kurhaus Wiesbaden、Centre Pompidou and countless Japanese museums. This time a whole body sculpture will be exhibited for the first time in Taiwan. Satoru Koizumi’s animal human receive massive welcome this year will melt audience’s heart again.
As for new face Kunihiro AKINAGA, he reproduces animal skeleton as an enchanted fairy by handmade ceramics. How fascinating this confrontation between Japan and Taiwan will be? This year please rub your eyes and wait to see !
共3 條記錄, 每頁顯示 10 條, 頁簽: [1]

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