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標題:油畫家 林玉真

arts_tw 發表於:2012/6/16 上午 03:25:16

油畫家 林玉真

 Lin, Yu-Chen

黃金海岸 油畫 45*60cm
1999 台南擁都藝術館收藏

  藝術與心靈是當代台灣社會的一個新課題﹔如何經由美育重建豐富的性靈生活,這是台灣在經濟富裕後,有心人的自我提昇之道, 巴爾扎克說:『苦難是藝術家最寶貴的財富』只有苦中作樂的人才能將苦難化為財富,在痛苦中尋得快樂,人生才有意義。




  The chinese poet, Mr. Hsu Chih-Mo, Pronounced that windom is the fruits of hell; it is only those who ventured with safe return are able to obtain the fruits.

  Balzac once said that suffering the most precious asset to artists. It is only throngh deriving joy from suffering can one turn it into wealth, Finding happiness amongst pains endoms life with value, Painting yields treatment for the wounded heart and strength for a new start, Just av as vessel must adjust its course of sail in storms.

  Art is an expression frorm the inner, beginning with technicd skills. However, once the threshold is crossed, the outer beauty is only achieved through substantial and sound spirituality. To such end, the enhancement of spirituality is imperative.

  Though ms. Lin,Yu-jen comes form a banking, financing backgroand, her nature is inclined towards simplicity and serenity, her private life also follows the same principle. through art, she has attained greater spiritual ease and tranguillity.


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