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標題:氣味潮濕 Humidity — 范揚宗個展 8/29-9/20

akigalleryakigallery 發表於:2015/8/18 上午 11:56:23

展期 | 2015.08.29-09.20

開幕 | 2015.09.05 6pm

地點 | 也趣藝廊 | 民族西路141

繼前年受邀至洛杉磯El Segundo Museum of Art私人美術館參與”Experience 13: HOME”聯展,不僅被創辦人Sweeney家族欽點收藏,更是在今年ART 15 LONDON上被全球最大新聞媒體CNN和國際知名藝術網站Artsy選為博覽會主視覺。實力備受國際肯定的范揚宗,將在今年8/29-9/20於也趣藝廊推出睽違兩年的個展「氣味潮濕」。


With more than two years of waiting, Yang-Tsung FAN’s whole new solo exhibition “Humidity” will open on Aug. 29. Following the group show 2013 in El Segundo Museum of Art, Yang-Tsung FAN’s art work is broadcasted on CNN web news during ART 15 LONDON and selected as banner by Artsy. Worldly renowned, he draws huge attentions in not just Taiwan.

Continuing the Swimming Pool Series since 2012, Yang-Tsung FAN switches his focus from the temperature on human skin to the wet poolside atmosphere. With flat coating and hard edge, FAN captures the delicate changing of refraction in water and vapor. At the same time, under FAN’s special angle of vision, we also see a fantasy world where all people left. This summer, AKI Gallery invites you to sense the heat, experience the unique poolside space!
共5 條記錄, 每頁顯示 10 條, 頁簽: [1]

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