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標題:樂土,樂土——謝艾格雕塑展 Happy Land——Xie Ai Ge Sculpture Solo Exhibition

cccstudio 發表於:2008/6/11 上午 10:17:14


Happy Land——Xie Ai Ge Sculpture Solo Exhibition

開幕酒會/Opening2008.6.19(Thursday) 15:00


/Address:上海淮海西路568號紅坊A101 紅人沙龍

A101,No.568W.HuaihaiRd.Shanghai,Redtown Salon


Book of odes said, we will leave you, and go to that happy land. Happy land! Happy land! There shall we find our place. Happy land is some place we are pursuing of, is some thing we could peace. The immaterial piece of land means internal light of spotless mind. The young talented artist created her work based on everlasting loneliness, melancholy and expectation of human beings. Without any outside disturb and entitative model, she endues human body with imagination. Continuing her adept china sculpture art style. And perform internal serenity in feminine and ego way. Most of her works are original, slouching, innocent and natural which involving peaceful poetry and dolorous fantasy.

平安利Faye Ping


Shanghai Sculpture Space


West Huaihai Road,Shanghai
,Redtown Salon

PC: 200052

Tel: 8621-62805629; 62807844*215,



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